Just choose the products you love, and the sellers will ship them to you as gifts in return for social media posts.
Plus…. Start earning cash on top of the free products!
Join as a creator
Already have an account with us? Click Here to sign in!
Once you’ve signed up, you’ll add your product(s) to our platform. Our curated list of quality Amazon Associates and Influencers will go “shopping” to select the products they connect with.
Wait for Amazon Associates and Influencers to Come to You.
Just like online shopping, Amazon Associates and Influencers will add items to their cart, check out, and then you’ll get the chance to decide if they’re a good fit.
Mail Out Product.
If you approve a Amazon Associates and Influencers request, you’ll send them your product. It will be used to create Social Media Content within 3 weeks of receiving your product.